Friday, 25 January 2013

Severe Weather In 2012

As 2013 begins, we are hoping for a much dryer year than last. 2012 was one of the wettest years on record in Ireland, with June being the wettest ever on record. 849.5mm of rain was recorded at Dublin Airport, we also record rainfall every day at Citywest where 1099.5mm fell. As a result of this the course has been very soggy all winter. We have plans to combat this problem and to improve the conditions for next winter. These include drainage work, installing new drains in the worst affected areas, we will start this in the spring/summer when the ground is dryer. Extensive sanding of wet areas, this will improve percolation in the soil and allow water to drain faster. Verti-draining, which will help with compacted turf. We have also started to install some new paths around the course so as to keep traffic off the playing surfaces. On top of all this we are hoping for mother nature to help us out with a much dryer year ahead! 

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